Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Put three pots of water over the fire.
In the first pot, put some carrots.
In the second pot, put those eggs.
In the third pot, put the cofffee beans that had been grounded inti coffee powder.
The boiling water is like the problems of life.
We can be like carrots.
We go in tough and strong.We come out soft and weak.
We get very tired, lost of hopes, we give up.
We cab like those eggs.
We start with a soft and sensitive heart.
We end up very hard and unfeeling inside.
We hate others, we don't like ourselves.
We become hard-hearted.
We can be like the coffee beans.
The water doesn't change the coffee powder.
See it, drink it.
The hotter the water, the better its taste.
Be like the coffee beans.
We make something good about the difficulties that we face.
We grow in experience. We make the world around us better.

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